
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat Memories

I'm all set up. I've got some Halloween music playing.  My Jack-O-Lantern is lit and better that ever!!! Don't you agree?

My stash of candy is by the door waiting to go. I hope it's enough. It is full of Reese's peanut butter cups, Grandpa's favorite. It's at this time of year that I miss my grandpa the most. His birthday is in October, and I think he just liked to claim the entire month. He always made sure to hand out full sized candy bars to the many many trick-or-treaters that came to his door. Grandpa never had a lot of money, but he never skimped on dessert.  He loved watching all of the neighborhood kids come to his door year after year. As a kid growing up his neighborhood was epic when you measured your haul at the end of the night. My own neighborhood was fun, but Grandpa's was where the candy was at. Over the years I made appearances as a crayon, Princess Diana, The Statue of Liberty, a Witch, a ladybug.

My neighborhood was pretty spread out so my Dad would hitch our wagon to his tractor and fill it full of hay. All of the neighbor kids met at our house and Dad took us door to door together in one big group. The very first year there were only four of us in the whole neighborhood. We got pretty incredible homemade treats that year, because the neighbors were so excited to have kids finally trick or treating in it again. Now our neighborhood is much bigger. Too many kids to fit in our hay wagon, and many more houses to stop at.  My last year trick-or-treating was my favorite. My next door neighbor, Kristina and I dressed up as old ladies together. Our acting skills could have won us Emmies that night, and they did get us kicked out of our local mall.

The Trick-Or-Treaters have arrived, so I must go, but what are your favorite Halloween memories?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Election Thoughts...Be Nice

Every Halloween I look up and down the aisle at all of the ridiculously skimpy costumes for sale, and I wonder how Halloween became a free pass for women to dress so inappropriately. I'm all for dressing up, but you still need to be just as smart about your choices as any other night, maybe even more so.

I now watch election season unfold, and I wonder how election season became a free pass to be so hateful a disrespectful to one another. I'm not even talking about political adds. You would think that at a time where people hold these issues so close to their hearts, people would take special precaution with what they say as to not hurt each other. Instead the very opposite happens. I understand that politics are passionate. We should get fired up about such a crucial decision as who is going to lead our country. However, this does not mean that it is okay to be unkind to people who have opposing views to our own.

By my own family members, I have been called uneducated, and through facebook, a cry baby, and a moron. I'm not going to pretend that didn't hurt, especially since I don't post political things over facebook unless I think they are pretty safe. I watched family members dish out much worse to each other. I have even seen someone wish death to a candidate. 

I want to turn to these people and ask them, "Do you really believe that I don't want the best for America? Not just the best for me, but the best for you as well. Do you really believe I don't educate myself about the candidates and the issues? Do you really believe I would make my choice just because that's what my parents did or that I just don't get it? Finally, do you really believe that when you make your unkind comments to me, or really to anyone who believes the same things I do, that I'm not invested enough in my decision that your comment didn't hurt?"

Hear this. I take great care in forming my political views, and I vote the way I do because I truly and passionately believe it would be the very best choice for the whole country. Most importantly I believe the same is true of you. I believe that you made your decision (even when it is different than mine) because you believe that it is best for the country. I do not think that you are uneducated, or that you simply don't get it. I believe that you have put thought into your decision, and I respect you for it.

I am not afraid to declare that I believe Mitt Romney is best choice for the 2012 election. I feel very strongly about this decision that I have made, and I am very fearful for what America might look like after eight years of Obama. I hope that if you are voting for Obama you feel just as passionate about your decision as I do about mine, and I believe that you do.

I want you to support your candidate on facebook, twitter, and where ever. We absolutely should be advocating for what/whom we believe in. I am just so very weary of watching what could be a respectful discussion turn into words that are hurtful and unkind. Can we all agree to be a little more respectful of each other? Before we post or comment, lets choose to believe that we each want whats best for the country, we just believe that we will get there on different paths.

One thing that is certain, is that every four years there are millions of Americans that are disappointed, because the candidate that they fought so very hard for was not elected. Still, we progress. Yes there are ups and downs to our history, but if past Democrats and Republicans, Federalists and Whigs, and even the Bull Moose found a way to survive what they thought was certainly the ruin of our country, so can we. Whoever we turns out to be.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

My Not-So-Favortie Things

To distract me from the disappointment of what's happening in the Buckeye game right now, I decided that since I made a list of my favorite things I would also make a list of my lest favorite things. All of the things I don't like. Not the obvious things most people would dislike, such as murder, household chores, and that state up north, but things that are unique to me.

Sprinkles (not all sprinkles just this kind)

Long shirts under tank tops.
Gum. I don't like to chew it and I don't like to listen to you chew it either.
Shirts covered in rhinestones.
Female commentators for male sporting events. (This one is very prevalent to me right now.)
Over used font styles. (Comic sans, papyrus, you know who you are.)
Having to plan my own Birthday
Flavored Coffee
Flavored Creamer
Yogurt (I have tried so hard to like it!)
Grammar, If you understood what I said then my communication was successful.
Subarus (I know a lot of people love them, but I just don't get it.)
Orange Juice
Blue and Black ink pens.
Halloween decorations. (This a new development. I love fall decorations, but I have found that I no longer like Halloween decorations)
Milk Chocolate (I can eat unending amounts of dark chocolate, but a single milk chocolate chip makes me queasy)
Candy (unless of course its made out of dark chocolate, and has no nuts ;)
Political and Religious bumper stickers. (I might even agree with you, but the butt of your car is just not the place.)
Plastic Cups
Boys on Pinterest

Luckily this list is much shorter than the things I like list. Also a plus, the distraction seems to have worked and The Buckeyes won in heart attack inducing style.

What are some things that you dislike that would surprise people? Do you dislike anything that most people love? Please share!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Football Makes Me Cry

It does. It sounds ridiculous but I get so much joy out of football that it makes me cry. They are always happy tears. I don't ever remember crying over football out of sadness, oh wait yes I do. I cried in sadness over on of my brother's high school games, but to be fair there was a lot more going on there in addition to football. It's not just the football, it's the band, and the drum major, and the tradition. It's being in a stadium with 100,000 other people all desperately cheering their team and praying for a common goal. It over coming obstacles and beating the enemy. I have a friend who is convinced that this kind of unity among fan is a reflection of community in Heaven.

Football movies tear me to pieces. When Big Mike is drafted, when the Titans win the last game, when Rudy makes the sack and is carried off of the field, buckets of tears. It's really quite embarrasing.

The lastest football related something to make me cry? Feast your eyes. TBDBITL for sure!!!

(if you're wondering it was the horse that made me cry, and it probably should be noted that I cry very very easily)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things

I knew it! I knew that my blogging would be sporadic at best, but I really do aspire to be a regular blogger. I thought I would start back up with a fun blog that I saw the Pioneer Woman do, and I've always wanted to do one of my own. A simple list of my favorite things. Feel free to agree or disagree. I have now scheduled actual time for blogging into my calendar, lets see if I can stay on top of it now.

A Few of My Favorite Things (in stream of consciousness order):

Family (a blanket favorite to you ALL)
Conference calls wit my family
Rubber Stamps
Pride and Prejudice
Shark Tank
Labrador Retrievers
Apple recipes
Peach (the color)
Pot roast
Easton at Christmas time.
Dresses in the Fall with tights, cardigans, boots, and belts
Herbal tea before bed
Dyson vaccumes
Kitchen Aid Stand Mixers
Flowers ( not carnations)
The Horse Shoe
Skinny Jeans
Pixar movies
Disney Everything
Belts over your clothes
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Catching the boquets
T.J. Maxx
Fall and Winter Smells
Kira Knightly
Jimmy Fallon
White Christmas lights
Home Decore
Being at a football game when its freezing outside
Stabilo Pens
Gift cards (I use to hate on them, but now I'm all about them)
Gift giving
Mail (yep again)
Tea Pots
ESV Bibles
The Pioneer Woman
Bowling Green
Weddings in Barns
Neutrogena products
Football movies
The Jesus Storybook Bible
Giving stuff to Goodwill
Getting stuff from Godwill
Harry Potter
Stuff Christians Like
My friends blogs
Nana's cooking.
Fancy Denver Restaurants
Clean Kitchens
French Presses

Not a complete list by any means but it is a start.