It does. It sounds ridiculous but I get so much joy out of football that it makes me cry. They are always happy tears. I don't ever remember crying over football out of sadness, oh wait yes I do. I cried in sadness over on of my brother's high school games, but to be fair there was a lot more going on there in addition to football. It's not just the football, it's the band, and the drum major, and the tradition. It's being in a stadium with 100,000 other people all desperately cheering their team and praying for a common goal. It over coming obstacles and beating the enemy. I have a friend who is convinced that this kind of unity among fan is a reflection of community in Heaven.
Football movies tear me to pieces. When Big Mike is drafted, when the Titans win the last game, when Rudy makes the sack and is carried off of the field, buckets of tears. It's really quite embarrasing.
The lastest football related something to make me cry? Feast your eyes. TBDBITL for sure!!!
(if you're wondering it was the horse that made me cry, and it probably should be noted that I cry very very easily)
You get it honestly! Senior night is a killer, even when you don't have a senior anymore!!